27. June 2024

Stanztec 2024 – Trade fair films “Statements & Scenes”


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Day 3: Stanztec Statements & Scenes

Stamping technology companies are sought-after and highly specialized suppliers in demanding sectors such as the automotive, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. For the stamping engineers, it’s all about efficiency and sustainability. The specialized trade fair Stanztec has the right answers to the industry’s pressing questions.

We would like to thank all exhibitors, trade fair partners and trade visitors for a successful Stanztec 2024! Every day, we published statements and scenes from the current trade fair, in which the exhibitors presented their new products, premieres, excellent expertise and first-class innovative power in a brilliant and impressive way.

You can already look forward to the 8th Stanztec, trade fair for stamping technology, and make a note of the date: June 16-18, 2026!

Tip! Visit the Blechexpo/Schweisstec from October 21-24, 2025 in Stuttgart.


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Day 2: Stanztec Statements & Scenes

In stamping technology, the focus is currently on energy efficiency, material savings, minimizing waste and maximum productivity. Automation and digitalization determine the processes, as do intelligent machines and tools, maximum output with reduced energy requirements, increasing functional integration and maximum precision. Thank you for an efficient and content-rich second day at #Stanztec2024! Here are the statements and scenes.


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Day 1: Stanztec Statements & Scenes

Welcome to the 7th Stanztec, the trade fair for stamping technology, in the golden city of Pforzheim in the heart of a worldwide unique center of stamping and forming technology! Here, trade visitors from all over the world can experience an exclusive networking event for high-end stamping technology, where leading companies present the best, most economical and highest-quality solutions every two years.
Stanztec 2024 got off to a successful start today with around 150 exhibitors and a large number of experienced trade visitors. Interest in the industry is high, as the highly specialized precision products of the stamping engineers are used in a wide variety of applications. They are indispensable components in many industrial goods as well as consumer goods.
The trend towards miniaturization of technology through automation and digitalization and the associated function-integrating requirements demand ever more precise, versatile and highly reliable products. In a personal dialog, the interested trade visitors at Stanztec will be able to get fit for success in global competition.